About myself

Hello and welcome!

My name is Ilya Bandorin, and for almost twenty years photography has been a big part of my life, a favorite hobby and a means of self-expression.

It all started when I bought my first camera and rushed to shoot everything: city life, benches and flower beds, birds in trees, family and friends. The results did not stand up to any criticism, but the process fascinated me, bewitched me and required the development of skills. That’s how I got into the International Academy of Photography, to a wonderful master and a great person — Pavel Kiselyov. This acquaintance, without any exaggeration, became a cornerstone in my development as a photographer, and I quickly realized that I wanted to shoot not landscapes or animals, but people. Then there were hundreds of hours of practice, studying the works of other photographers, various courses and master classes. But to this day I am watching, learning and developing, and with each new shoot I try to be able to do more than I could before.

I am always glad to meet new people and open for joint creativity!

Contact information of photographer Ilya Bandorin. Ilya Bandorin Photography

My photography

Portraits of children

Go to Child Portraits section

I don’t like the demonstrative joy of childhood, when neatly combed children pose for a photographer on mom’s command “say cheese”. My photos almost always show serious faces and eyes, a minimum of distracting objects, and clothes that are not tied to time.

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Portraits of adults

Go to Adult Portraits section

Serious faces, expressive eyes and calm poses. Relaxation, the sound of a sea shore, and a light lounge music. The beauty of a person without anything else.

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Art nude

Go to Artistic Nude photography section

Always laconic, without hypocrisy and vulgarity, with great respect to my models and a great sense of responsibility for them. Entirely about the beauty of the human body.

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